Definition of quietly

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Quietly (adv.) Without tumult, alarm, dispute, or disturbance; peaceably; as, to live quietly; to sleep quietly..

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Quietly :: Quietly (adv.) Noiselessly; silently; without remark or violent movement; in a manner to attract little or no observation; as, he quietly left the room..
Burke :: Burke (v. t.) To dispose of quietly or indirectly; to suppress; to smother; to shelve; as, to burke a parliamentary question..
Brood :: Brood (v. i.) To sit on and cover eggs, as a fowl, for the purpose of warming them and hatching the young; or to sit over and cover young, as a hen her chickens, in order to warm and protect them; hence, to sit quietly, as if brooding..
Cool :: Cool (superl.) Quietly impudent; negligent of propriety in matters of minor importance, either ignorantly or willfully; presuming and selfish; audacious; as, cool behavior..
Float :: Float (n.) To move quietly or gently on the water, as a raft; to drift along; to move or glide without effort or impulse on the surface of a fluid, or through the air..
Stillicide :: Still-hunt (n.) A hunting for game in a quiet and cautious manner, or under cover; stalking; hence, colloquially, the pursuit of any object quietly and cautiously..
Easily :: Easily (adv.) Smoothly; quietly; gently; gracefully; without /umult or discord.
Fairly :: Fairly (adv.) Softly; quietly; gently.
Quietly :: Quietly (adv.) Calmly, without agitation or violent emotion; patiently; as, to submit quietly to unavoidable evils..
Quietly :: Quietly (adv.) Without tumult, alarm, dispute, or disturbance; peaceably; as, to live quietly; to sleep quietly..
Disquietly :: Disquietly (adv.) In a disquiet manner; uneasily; as, he rested disquietly that night..
Influence :: Influence (n.) Hence, in general, the bringing about of an effect, phusical or moral, by a gradual process; controlling power quietly exerted; agency, force, or tendency of any kind which the sun exerts on animal and vegetable life; the influence of education on the mind; the influence, according to astrologers,of the stars over affairs..
Soft :: Soft (adv.) Softly; without roughness or harshness; gently; quietly.
Insinuating :: Insinuating (a.) Winding, creeping, or flowing in, quietly or stealthily; suggesting; winning favor and confidence insensibly..
Quietly :: Quietly (adv.) In a quiet state or manner; without motion; in a state of rest; as, to lie or sit quietly..
Stilpnomelane :: Stilly (adv.) In a still manner; quietly; silently; softly.
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