Definition of query

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Query (n.) A question; an inquiry to be answered or solved.

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Demand :: Demand (v. t.) Earnest inquiry; question; query.
Query :: Query (v. t.) To write query (qu., qy., or ?) against, as a doubtful spelling, or sense, in a proof. See Quaere..
Query :: Query (n.) An interrogation point [?] as the sign of a question or a doubt.
Interrogation :: Interrogation (n.) A point, mark, or sign, thus [?], indicating that the sentence with which it is connected is a question. It is used to express doubt, or to mark a query. Called also interrogation point..
Query :: Query (v. i.) To have a doubt; as, I query if he is right..
Query :: Query (v. i.) To ask questions; to make inquiry.
Query :: Query (n.) A question; an inquiry to be answered or solved.
Query :: Query (v. t.) To doubt of; to regard with incredulity.
Querying :: Querying (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Quer.
Question :: Question (v. t.) To doubt of; to be uncertain of; to query.
Query :: Query (v. t.) To put questions about; to elicit by questioning; to inquire into; as, to query the items or the amount; to query the motive or the fact..
Query :: Query (v. t.) To address questions to; to examine by questions.
Equery :: Equery (n.) Same as Equerry.
Wonder :: Wonder (v. i.) To feel doubt and curiosity; to wait with uncertain expectation; to query in the mind; as, he wondered why they came..
Question :: Question (n.) That which is asked; inquiry; interrogatory; query.
Query :: Query (n.) A question in the mind; a doubt; as, I have a query about his sincerity..
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