Definition of pursuance

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Pursuance (n.) The state of being pursuant; consequence.

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Attend :: Attend (v. i.) To accompany or be present or near at hand, in pursuance of duty; to be ready for service; to wait or be in waiting; -- often followed by on or upon..
Agreeable :: Agreeable (a.) In pursuance, conformity, or accordance; -- in this sense used adverbially for agreeably; as, agreeable to the order of the day, the House took up the report..
Officially :: Officially (adv.) By the proper officer; by virtue of the proper authority; in pursuance of the special powers vested in an officer or office; as, accounts or reports officially vertified or rendered; letters officially communicated; persons officially notified..
Pursuance :: Pursuance (n.) The state of being pursuant; consequence.
Pursuance :: Pursuance (n.) The act of pursuing or prosecuting; a following out or after.
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