Definition of puritan

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Puritan (a.) Of or pertaining to the Puritans; resembling, or characteristic of, the Puritans..

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Puritanized :: Puritanized (imp. & p. p.) of Puritaniz.
Roundhead :: Roundhead (n.) A nickname for a Puritan. See Roundheads, the, in the Dictionary of Noted Names in Fiction..
Puritanical :: Puritanical (a.) Precise in observance of legal or religious requirements; strict; overscrupulous; rigid; -- often used by way of reproach or contempt.
Puritan :: Puritan (n.) One who is scrupulous and strict in his religious life; -- often used reproachfully or in contempt; one who has overstrict notions.
Proscribe :: Proscribe (v. t.) To denounce and condemn; to interdict; to prohibit; as, the Puritans proscribed theaters..
Puritanize :: Puritanize (v. i.) To agree with, or teach, the doctrines of Puritans; to conform to the practice of Puritans..
Settle :: Settle (n.) To plant with inhabitants; to colonize; to people; as, the French first settled Canada; the Puritans settled New England; Plymouth was settled in 1620..
Puritanism :: Puritanism (n.) The doctrines, notions, or practice of Puritans..
Gospeler :: Gospeler (n.) A follower of Wyclif, the first English religious reformer; hence, a Puritan..
Puritan :: Puritan (a.) Of or pertaining to the Puritans; resembling, or characteristic of, the Puritans..
Puritanical :: Puritanical (a.) Of or pertaining to the Puritans, or to their doctrines and practice..
Puritanic :: Puritanic (a.) Alt. of Puritanica.
Disciplinarian :: Disciplinarian (n.) A Puritan or Presbyterian; -- because of rigid adherence to religious or church discipline.
Puritan :: Puritan (n.) One who, in the time of Queen Elizabeth and the first two Stuarts, opposed traditional and formal usages, and advocated simpler forms of faith and worship than those established by law; -- originally, a term of reproach. The Puritans formed the bulk of the early population of New England..
Puritanically :: Puritanically (adv.) In a puritanical manner.
Precisian :: Precisian (n.) An overprecise person; one rigidly or ceremoniously exact in the observance of rules; a formalist; -- formerly applied to the English Puritans.
Puritanizing :: Puritanizing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Puritaniz.
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