Definition of punt

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Punt (v. t.) To propel, as a boat in shallow water, by pushing with a pole against the bottom; to push or propel (anything) with exertion..

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Contrapuntal :: Contrapuntal (a.) Pertaining to, or according to the rules of, counterpoint..
Punt :: Punt (n.) The act of punting the ball.
Polyphonist :: Polyphonist (n.) A master of polyphony; a contrapuntist.
Tuna :: Tuna (n.) The Opuntia Tuna. See Prickly pear, under Prickly..
Puntel :: Puntel (n.) See Pontee.
Baccarat :: Baccarat (n.) A French game of cards, played by a banker and punters..
Punto :: Punto (n.) A point or hit.
Puntil :: Puntil (n.) Alt. of Punte.
Punt :: Punt (n.) A flat-bottomed boat with square ends. It is adapted for use in shallow waters.
Polyphonic :: Polyphonic (a.) Consisting of several tone series, or melodic parts, progressing simultaneously according to the laws of counterpoint; contrapuntal; as, a polyphonic composition; -- opposed to homophonic, or monodic..
Punt :: Punt (v. i.) To play at basset, baccara, faro. or omber; to gamble..
Punt :: Punt (v. t.) To propel, as a boat in shallow water, by pushing with a pole against the bottom; to push or propel (anything) with exertion..
Opuntia :: Opuntia (n.) A genus of cactaceous plants; the prickly pear, or Indian fig..
Contrapuntist :: Contrapuntist (n.) One skilled in counterpoint.
Pimpillo :: Pimpillo (n.) A West Indian name for the prickly pear (Opuntia); -- called also pimploes.
Punty :: Punty (n.) See Pontee.
Polyphony :: Polyphony (n.) Composition in mutually related, equally important parts which share the melody among them; contrapuntal composition; -- opposed to homophony, in which the melody is given to one part only, the others filling out the harmony. See Counterpoint..
Pontee :: Pontee (n.) An iron rod used by glass makers for manipulating the hot glass; -- called also, puntil, puntel, punty, and ponty. See Fascet..
Punt :: Punt (n.) Act of playing at basset, baccara, faro, etc..
Quant :: Quant (n.) A punting pole with a broad flange near the end to prevent it from sinking into the mud; a setting pole.
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