Definition of pulmonata

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Pulmonata (n. pl.) An extensive division, or sub-class, of hermaphrodite gastropods, in which the mantle cavity is modified into an air-breathing organ, as in Helix, or land snails, Limax, or garden slugs, and many pond snails, as Limnaea and Planorbis..

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Prosopulmonata :: Prosopulmonata (n. pl.) A division of pulmonate mollusks having the breathing organ situated on the neck, as in the common snail..
Pulmonate :: Pulmonate (a.) Pertaining to the Pulmonata.
Pulmonate :: Pulmonate (n.) One of the Pulmonata.
Pulmonata :: Pulmonata (n. pl.) An extensive division, or sub-class, of hermaphrodite gastropods, in which the mantle cavity is modified into an air-breathing organ, as in Helix, or land snails, Limax, or garden slugs, and many pond snails, as Limnaea and Planorbis..
Pulmogasteropoda :: Pulmogasteropoda (n. pl.) Same as Pulmonata.
Pulmonibranchiata :: Pulmonibranchiata (n. pl.) Same as Pulmonata.
Pulmonifera :: Pulmonifera (n. pl.) Same as Pulmonata.
Stylommatophorous :: Stylommatophora (n. pl.) A division of Pulmonata in which the eyes are situated at the tips of the tentacles. It includes the common land snails and slugs. See Illust. under Snail.
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