Definition of psychism

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Psychism (n.) The doctrine of Quesne, that there is a fluid universally diffused, end equally animating all living beings, the difference in their actions being due to the difference of the individual organizations..

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Psychism :: Psychism (n.) The doctrine of Quesne, that there is a fluid universally diffused, end equally animating all living beings, the difference in their actions being due to the difference of the individual organizations..
Averroist :: Averroist (n.) One of a sect of peripatetic philosophers, who appeared in Italy before the restoration of learning; so denominated from Averroes, or Averrhoes, a celebrated Arabian philosopher. He held the doctrine of monopsychism..
Monopsychism :: Monopsychism (n.) The doctrine that there is but one immortal soul or intellect with which all men are endowed.
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