Definition of prose

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Prose (a.) Pertaining to, or composed of, prose; not in verse; as, prose composition..

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Sue :: Sue (v. i.) To prosecute; to make legal claim; to seek (for something) in law; as, to sue for damages..
Proselyte :: Proselyte (n.) A new convert especially a convert to some religion or religious sect, or to some particular opinion, system, or party; thus, a Gentile converted to Judaism, or a pagan converted to Christianity, is a proselyte..
Drama :: Drama (n.) A composition, in prose or poetry, accommodated to action, and intended to exhibit a picture of human life, or to depict a series of grave or humorous actions of more than ordinary interest, tending toward some striking result. It is commonly designed to be spoken and represented by actors on the stage..
Prosecution :: Prosecution (n.) The institution and carrying on of a suit in a court of law or equity, to obtain some right, or to redress and punish some wrong; the carrying on of a judicial proceeding in behalf of a complaining party, as distinguished from defense..
Fiscal :: Fiscal (n.) A public officer in Scotland who prosecutes in petty criminal cases; -- called also procurator fiscal.
Proselyted :: Proselyted (imp. & p. p.) of Proselyt.
Impleader :: Impleader (n.) One who prosecutes or sues another.
Prevarication :: Prevarication (n.) The collusion of an informer with the defendant, for the purpose of making a sham prosecution..
Persecution :: Persecution (n.) A carrying on; prosecution.
Prosimetrical :: Prosimetrical (a.) Consisting both of prose and verse.
Machinery :: Machinery (n.) The supernatural means by which the action of a poetic or fictitious work is carried on and brought to a catastrophe; in an extended sense, the contrivances by which the crises and conclusion of a fictitious narrative, in prose or verse, are effected..
Prose :: Prose (v. t.) To write in prose.
Prosector :: Prosector (n.) One who makes dissections for anatomical illustration; usually, the assistant of a professional anatomist..
Nonappearance :: Nonappearance (n.) Default of apperance, as in court, to prosecute or defend; failure to appear..
Proselyting :: Proselyting (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Proselyt.
Practice :: Practice (n.) The form, manner, and order of conducting and carrying on suits and prosecutions through their various stages, according to the principles of law and the rules laid down by the courts..
Pursuit :: Pursuit (v. t.) Prosecution.
Sue :: Sue (v. t.) To seek justice or right from, by legal process; to institute process in law against; to bring an action against; to prosecute judicially..
Shortly :: Shortly (adv.) In few words; briefly; abruptly; curtly; as, to express ideas more shortly in verse than in prose..
Proselytized :: proselytized (imp. & p. p.) of Proselytiz.
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