Definition of balancer

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Balancer (n.) In Diptera, the rudimentary posterior wing..

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Equilibrist :: Equilibrist (n.) One who balances himself in unnatural positions and hazardous movements; a balancer.
Diptera :: Diptera (n. pl.) An extensive order of insects having only two functional wings and two balancers, as the house fly, mosquito, etc. They have a suctorial proboscis, often including two pairs of sharp organs (mandibles and maxillae) with which they pierce the skin of animals. They undergo a complete metamorphosis, their larvae (called maggots) being usually without feet..
Poiser :: Poiser (n.) The balancer of dipterous insects.
Balancereef :: Balancereef (n.) The last reef in a fore-and-aft sail, taken to steady the ship..
Halteres :: Halteres (n. pl.) Balancers; the rudimentary hind wings of Diptera.
Balancer :: Balancer (n.) In Diptera, the rudimentary posterior wing..
Balancer :: Balancer (n.) One who balances, or uses a balance..
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