Definition of projected

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Projected (imp. & p. p.) of Projec.

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Umbra :: Umbra (n.) The conical shadow projected from a planet or satellite, on the side opposite to the sun, within which a spectator could see no portion of the sun's disk; -- used in contradistinction from penumbra. See Penumbra..
Range :: Range (v. i.) To have range; to change or differ within limits; to be capable of projecting, or to admit of being projected, especially as to horizontal distance; as, the temperature ranged through seventy degrees Fahrenheit; the gun ranges three miles; the shot ranged four miles..
Project :: Project (n.) That which is projected or designed; something intended or devised; a scheme; a design; a plan.
Bonnet :: Bonnet (n.) A covering for the head, worn by women, usually protecting more or less the back and sides of the head, but no part of the forehead. The shape of the bonnet varies greatly at different times; formerly the front part projected, and spread outward, like the mouth of a funnel..
Phenakistoscope :: Phenakistoscope (n.) A revolving disk on which figures drawn in different relative attitudes are seen successively, so as to produce the appearance of an object in actual motion, as an animal leaping, etc., in consequence of the persistence of the successive visual impressions of the retina. It is often arranged so that the figures may be projected upon a screen..
Projected :: Projected (imp. & p. p.) of Projec.
Anthelion :: Anthelion (n.) A halo opposite the sun, consisting of a colored ring or rings around the shadow of the spectator's own head, as projected on a cloud or on an opposite fog bank..
Missile :: Missile (n.) A weapon thrown or projected or intended to be projcted, as a lance, an arrow, or a bullet..
Chart :: Chart (n.) A map; esp., a hydrographic or marine map; a map on which is projected a portion of water and the land which it surrounds, or by which it is surrounded, intended especially for the use of seamen; as, the United States Coast Survey charts; the English Admiralty charts..
Rocket :: Rocket (n.) An artificial firework consisting of a cylindrical case of paper or metal filled with a composition of combustible ingredients, as niter, charcoal, and sulphur, and fastened to a guiding stick. The rocket is projected through the air by the force arising from the expansion of the gases liberated by combustion of the composition. Rockets are used as projectiles for various purposes, for signals, and also for pyrotechnic display..
Salience :: Salience (n.) The quality or state of projecting, or being projected; projection; protrusion..
Missile :: Missile (a.) Capable of being thrown; adapted for hurling or to be projected from the hand, or from any instrument or rngine, so as to strike an object at a distance..
Zoopraxiscope :: Zoopraxiscope (n.) An instrument similar to, or the same as, the, the phenakistoscope, by means of which pictures projected upon a screen are made to exhibit the natural movements of animals, and the like..
Game :: Game (v. i.) A scheme or art employed in the pursuit of an object or purpose; method of procedure; projected line of operations; plan; project.
Camera Lucida :: Camera lucida () An instrument which by means of a prism of a peculiar form, or an arrangement of mirrors, causes an apparent image of an external object or objects to appear as if projected upon a plane surface, as of paper or canvas, so that the outlines may conveniently traced. It is generally used with the microscope..
Gyropigeon :: Gyropigeon (n.) A flying object simulating a pigeon in flight, when projected from a spring trap. It is used as a flying target in shooting matches..
Enterprise :: Enterprise (n.) That which is undertaken; something attempted to be performed; a work projected which involves activity, courage, energy, and the like; a bold, arduous, or hazardous attempt; an undertaking; as, a manly enterprise; a warlike enterprise..
Field :: Field (n.) Any blank space or ground on which figures are drawn or projected.
Projectile :: Projectile (n.) A body projected, or impelled forward, by force; especially, a missile adapted to be shot from a firearm..
Stereoplasm :: Stereomonoscope (n.) An instrument with two lenses, by which an image of a single picture projected upon a screen of ground glass is made to present an appearance of relief, and may be viewed by several persons at once..
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