Definition of proficient

Thanks for using this online dictionary, we have been helping millions of people improve their use of the english language with its free online services. English definition of proficient is as below...

Proficient (n.) One who has made considerable advances in any business, art, science, or branch of learning; an expert; an adept; as, proficient in a trade; a proficient in mathematics, music, etc..

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Adept :: Adept (n.) One fully skilled or well versed in anything; a proficient; as, adepts in philosophy..
Adept :: Adept (a.) Well skilled; completely versed; thoroughly proficient.
Proficiency :: Proficiency (n.) The quality of state of being proficient; advance in the acquisition of any art, science, or knowledge; progression in knowledge; improvement; adeptness; as, to acquire proficiency in music..
Craniologist :: Craniologist (n.) One proficient in craniology; a phrenologist.
Proficient :: Proficient (n.) One who has made considerable advances in any business, art, science, or branch of learning; an expert; an adept; as, proficient in a trade; a proficient in mathematics, music, etc..
Nonproficient :: Nonproficient (n.) One who has failed to become proficient.
Polyphonist :: Polyphonist (n.) A proficient in the art of multiplying sounds; a ventriloquist.
Proficient :: Proficient (a.) Well advanced in any branch of knowledge or skill; possessed of considerable acquirements; well-skilled; versed; adept,.
Proficiently :: Proficiently (adv.) In a proficient manner.
Dabster :: Dabster (n.) One who is skilled; a master of his business; a proficient; an adept.
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