Definition of privacy

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Privacy (n.) A place of seclusion from company or observation; retreat; solitude; retirement.

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Retirement :: Retirement (n.) A place of seclusion or privacy; a place to which one withdraws or retreats; a private abode.
Recess :: Recess (n.) The state of being withdrawn; seclusion; privacy.
Closet :: Closet (n.) A small room or apartment for retirement; a room for privacy.
Penetralia :: Penetralia (n. pl.) Hidden things or secrets; privacy; sanctuary; as, the sacred penetralia of the home..
Secreness :: Secreness (n.) Secrecy; privacy.
Retire :: Retire (v. i.) To go back or return; to draw back or away; to keep aloof; to withdraw or retreat, as from observation; to go into privacy; as, to retire to his home; to retire from the world, or from notice..
Hugger-mugger :: Hugger-mugger (n.) Privacy; secrecy. Commonly in the phrase in hugger-mugger, with haste and secrecy..
Privateness :: Privateness (n.) Seclusion from company or society; retirement; privacy; secrecy.
Privacy :: Privacy (n.) A private matter; a secret.
Privacy :: Privacy (n.) Concealment of what is said or done.
Obscurity :: Obscurity (n.) The quality or state of being obscure; darkness; privacy; inconspicuousness; unintelligibleness; uncertainty.
Covertness :: Covertness (n.) Secrecy; privacy.
Out :: Out (a.) Beyond the limits of concealment, confinement, privacy, constraint, etc., actual of figurative; hence, not in concealment, constraint, etc., in, or into, a state of freedom, openness, disclosure, publicity, etc.; as, the sun shines out; he laughed out, to be out at the elbows; the secret has leaked out, or is out; the disease broke out on his face; the book is out..
Clandestinity :: Clandestinity (n.) Privacy or secrecy.
Secrecy :: Secrecy (n.) Seclusion; privacy; retirement.
Retreat :: Retreat (n.) The place to which anyone retires; a place or privacy or safety; a refuge; an asylum.
Convey :: Convey (v. t.) To manage with privacy; to carry out.
Vent :: Vent (n.) Fig.: Opportunity of escape or passage from confinement or privacy; outlet.
Privacy :: Privacy (n.) The state of being in retirement from the company or observation of others; seclusion.
Privacy :: Privacy (n.) A place of seclusion from company or observation; retreat; solitude; retirement.
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