Definition of primrose

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Primrose (a.) An early flowering plant of the genus Primula (P. vulgaris) closely allied to the cowslip. There are several varieties, as the white-, the red-, the yellow-flowered, etc. Formerly called also primerole, primerolles..

Lern More About Primrose

Primrose :: Primrose (a.) Of or pertaining to the primrose; of the color of a primrose; -- hence, flowery; gay..
Bird''s-eye :: Bird's-eye (n.) A plant with a small bright flower, as the Adonis or pheasant's eye, the mealy primrose (Primula farinosa), and species of Veronica, Geranium, etc..
Auricula :: Auricula (n.) A species of Primula, or primrose, called also, from the shape of its leaves, bear's-ear..
Eardrop :: Eardrop (n.) A species of primrose. See Auricula.
Primrose :: Primrose (a.) Any plant of the genus Primula.
Onagrarieous :: Onagrarieous (a.) Pertaining to, or resembling, a natural order of plants (Onagraceae or Onagrarieae), which includes the fuchsia, the willow-herb (Epilobium), and the evening primrose (/nothera)..
Bear''s-ear :: Bear's-ear (n.) A kind of primrose (Primula auricula), so called from the shape of the leaf..
Soldanel :: Soldanel (n.) A plant of the genus Soldanella, low Alpine herbs of the Primrose family..
Thrum-eyed :: Thrum-eyed (a.) Having the anthers raised above the stigma, and visible at the throat of the corolla, as in long-stamened primroses; -- the reverse of pin-eyed..
Cyclamen :: Cyclamen (n.) A genus of plants of the Primrose family, having depressed rounded corms, and pretty nodding flowers with the petals so reflexed as to point upwards, whence it is called rabbits' ears. It is also called sow bread, because hogs are said to eat the corms..
Primrose :: Primrose (a.) An early flowering plant of the genus Primula (P. vulgaris) closely allied to the cowslip. There are several varieties, as the white-, the red-, the yellow-flowered, etc. Formerly called also primerole, primerolles..
Primulaceous :: Primulaceous (a.) Of or pertaining to an order of herbaceous plants (Primulaceae), of which the primrose is the type, and the pimpernel, the cyclamen, and the water violet are other examples..
Primula :: Primula (n.) The genus of plants including the primrose (Primula vera).
Primerole :: Primerole (n.) See Primrose.
Paigle :: Paigle (n.) A species of Primula, either the cowslip or the primrose..
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