Definition of pretor

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Pretor (n.) Hence, a mayor or magistrate..

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Praetorian :: Praetorian (a.) See Pretorian.
Pretor :: Pretor (n.) Hence, a mayor or magistrate..
Pretorium :: Pretorium (n.) The official residence of a governor of a province; hence, a place; a splendid country seat..
Praetorium :: Praetorium (n.) See Pretorium.
Pretorture :: Pretorture (v. t.) To torture beforehand.
Pretor :: Pretor (n.) A civil officer or magistrate among the ancient Romans.
Pretorian :: Pretorian (a.) Of or pertaining to a pretor or magistrate; judicial; exercised by, or belonging to, a pretor; as, pretorian power or authority..
Praetor :: Praetor (n.) See Pretor.
Pretorium :: Pretorium (n.) The general's tent in a Roman camp; hence, a council of war, because held in the general's tent..
Pretorian :: Pretorian (n.) A soldier of the pretorian guard.
Prefect :: Prefect (n.) A Roman officer who controlled or superintended a particular command, charge, department, etc.; as, the prefect of the aqueducts; the prefect of a camp, of a fleet, of the city guard, of provisions; the pretorian prefect, who was commander of the troops guarding the emperor's person..
Pretorship :: Pretorship (n.) The office or dignity of a pretor.
Propretor :: Propretor (n.) A magistrate who, having been pretor at home, was appointed to the government of a province..
Triverbial :: Triverbial (a.) Pertaining to, or designating, certain days allowed to the pretor for hearing causes, when be might speak the three characteristic words of his office, do, dico, addico. They were called dies fasti..
Pretorial :: Pretorial (a.) Pretorian.
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