Definition of pretence

Thanks for using this online dictionary, we have been helping millions of people improve their use of the english language with its free online services. English definition of pretence is as below...

Pretence (n.) The act of holding out, or offering, to others something false or feigned; presentation of what is deceptive or hypocritical; deception by showing what is unreal and concealing what is real; false show; simulation; as, pretense of illness; under pretense of patriotism; on pretense of revenging Caesar's death..

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Pretenceless :: Pretenceless (a.) See Pretense, Pretenseful, Pretenseless..
Pretenceful :: Pretenceful (a.) Alt. of Pretenceles.
Pretence :: Pretence (n.) The act of holding out, or offering, to others something false or feigned; presentation of what is deceptive or hypocritical; deception by showing what is unreal and concealing what is real; false show; simulation; as, pretense of illness; under pretense of patriotism; on pretense of revenging Caesar's death..
Pretence :: Pretence (n.) Intention; design.
Pretence :: Pretence (n.) The act of laying claim; the claim laid; assumption; pretension.
Pretence :: Pretence (a.) Alt. of Pretenceles.
Pretence :: Pretence (n.) That which is pretended; false, deceptive, or hypocritical show, argument, or reason; pretext; feint..
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