Definition of presumption

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Presumption (n.) That which is presumed or assumed; that which is supposed or believed to be real or true, on evidence that is probable but not conclusive..

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Venture :: Venture (v. i.) To hazard one's self; to have the courage or presumption to do, undertake, or say something; to dare..
Presumably :: Presumably (adv.) In a presumable manner; by, or according to, presumption..
Outrecuidance :: Outrecuidance (n.) Excessive presumption.
Probability :: Probability (n.) The quality or state of being probable; appearance of reality or truth; reasonable ground of presumption; likelihood.
Probable :: Probable (a.) Rendering probable; supporting, or giving ground for, belief, but not demonstrating; as, probable evidence; probable presumption..
Presumptively :: Presumptively (adv.) By presumption, or supposition grounded or probability; presumably..
Presumptuous :: Presumptuous (a.) Full of presumption; presuming; overconfident or venturesome; audacious; rash; taking liberties unduly; arrogant; insolent; as, a presumptuous commander; presumptuous conduct..
Presumption :: Presumption (n.) The act of venturing beyond due beyond due bounds; an overstepping of the bounds of reverence, respect, or courtesy; forward, overconfident, or arrogant opinion or conduct; presumptuousness; arrogance; effrontery..
Stabling :: Stable stand () The position of a man who is found at his standing in the forest, with a crossbow or a longbow bent, ready to shoot at a deer, or close by a tree with greyhounds in a leash ready to slip; -- one of the four presumptions that a man intends stealing the king's deer..
Arrogance :: Arrogance (n.) The act or habit of arrogating, or making undue claims in an overbearing manner; that species of pride which consists in exorbitant claims of rank, dignity, estimation, or power, or which exalts the worth or importance of the person to an undue degree; proud contempt of others; lordliness; haughtiness; self-assumption; presumption..
Surrebound :: Surquidry (n.) Overweening pride; arrogance; presumption; insolence.
Presumption :: Presumption (n.) That which is presumed or assumed; that which is supposed or believed to be real or true, on evidence that is probable but not conclusive..
Presumptive :: Presumptive (a.) Based on presumption or probability; grounded on probable evidence; probable; as, presumptive proof..
Presumedly :: Presumedly (adv.) By presumption.
Latitat :: Latitat (n.) A writ based upon the presumption that the person summoned was hiding.
Modesty :: Modesty (n.) The quality or state of being modest; that lowly temper which accompanies a moderate estimate of one's own worth and importance; absence of self-assertion, arrogance, and presumption; humility respecting one's own merit..
Presumption :: Presumption (n.) The act of presuming, or believing upon probable evidence; the act of assuming or taking for granted; belief upon incomplete proof..
Modest :: Modest (a.) Evincing modestly in the actor, author, or speaker; not showing presumption; not excessive or extreme; moderate; as, a modest request; modest joy..
Presumption :: Presumption (n.) Ground for presuming; evidence probable, but not conclusive; strong probability; reasonable supposition; as, the presumption is that an event has taken place..
Discriminate :: Discriminate (v. i.) To make a difference or distinction; to distinguish accurately; as, in judging of evidence, we should be careful to discriminate between probability and slight presumption..
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