Definition of predisposition

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Predisposition (n.) Previous fitness or adaptation to any change, impression, or purpose; susceptibility; -- applied to material things; as, the predisposition of the body to disease..

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Predilection :: Predilection (n.) A previous liking; a prepossession of mind in favor of something; predisposition to choose or like; partiality.
Predispose :: Predispose (v. t.) To dispose or incline beforehand; to give a predisposition or bias to; as, to predispose the mind to friendship..
Predisposition :: Predisposition (n.) The act of predisposing, or the state of being predisposed; previous inclination, tendency, or propensity; predilection; -- applied to the mind; as, a predisposition to anger..
Predisponency :: Predisponency (n.) The state of being predisposed; predisposition.
Predisposition :: Predisposition (n.) Previous fitness or adaptation to any change, impression, or purpose; susceptibility; -- applied to material things; as, the predisposition of the body to disease..
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