Definition of precedency

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Precedency (n.) The act or state of going or being before in rank or dignity, or the place of honor; right to a more honorable place; superior rank; as, barons have precedence of commoners..

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Precedency :: Precedency (n.) The act or state of going or being before in rank or dignity, or the place of honor; right to a more honorable place; superior rank; as, barons have precedence of commoners..
Baronet :: Baronet (n.) A dignity or degree of honor next below a baron and above a knight, having precedency of all orders of knights except those of the Garter. It is the lowest degree of honor that is hereditary. The baronets are commoners..
Precedency :: Precedency (n.) The act or state of preceding or going before in order of time; priority; as, one event has precedence of another..
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