Definition of prakrit

Thanks for using this online dictionary, we have been helping millions of people improve their use of the english language with its free online services. English definition of prakrit is as below...

Prakrit (n.) Any one of the popular dialects descended from, or akin to, Sanskrit; -- in distinction from the Sanskrit, which was used as a literary and learned language when no longer spoken by the people. Pali is one of the Prakrit dialects..

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Sanskrit :: Sanskrit (n.) The ancient language of the Hindoos, long since obsolete in vernacular use, but preserved to the present day as the literary and sacred dialect of India. It is nearly allied to the Persian, and to the principal languages of Europe, classical and modern, and by its more perfect preservation of the roots and forms of the primitive language from which they are all descended, is a most important assistance in determining their history and relations. Cf. Prakrit, and Veda..
Sankhya :: Sankhya (n.) A Hindoo system of philosophy which refers all things to soul and a rootless germ called prakriti, consisting of three elements, goodness, passion, and darkness..
Prakrit :: Prakrit (n.) Any one of the popular dialects descended from, or akin to, Sanskrit; -- in distinction from the Sanskrit, which was used as a literary and learned language when no longer spoken by the people. Pali is one of the Prakrit dialects..
Prakritic :: Prakritic (a.) Pertaining to Prakrit.
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