Definition of poundage

Thanks for using this online dictionary, we have been helping millions of people improve their use of the english language with its free online services. English definition of poundage is as below...

Poundage (n.) Confinement of cattle, or other animals, in a public pound..

Lern More About Poundage

Impoundage :: Impoundage (n.) The act of impounding, or the state of being impounded..
Poundage :: Poundage (n.) A sum deducted from a pound, or a certain sum paid for each pound; a commission..
Pinnage :: Pinnage (n.) Poundage of cattle. See Pound.
Poundage :: Poundage (n.) A subsidy of twelve pence in the pound, formerly granted to the crown on all goods exported or imported, and if by aliens, more..
Poundage :: Poundage (n.) A charge paid for the release of impounded cattle.
Poundage :: Poundage (v. t.) To collect, as poundage; to assess, or rate, by poundage..
Poundrate :: Poundrate (n.) A rate or proportion estimated at a certain amount for each pound; poundage.
Impoundage :: Impoundage (n.) The fee or fine for impounding.
Poundage :: Poundage (n.) The sum allowed to a sheriff or other officer upon the amount realized by an execution; -- estimated in England, and formerly in the United States, at so much of the pound..
Poundage :: Poundage (n.) Confinement of cattle, or other animals, in a public pound..
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