Definition of potpourri

Thanks for using this online dictionary, we have been helping millions of people improve their use of the english language with its free online services. English definition of potpourri is as below...

Potpourri (n.) A ragout composed of different sorts of meats, vegetables, etc., cooked together..

Lern More About Potpourri

Potpourri :: Potpourri (n.) A piece of music made up of different airs strung together; a medley.
Medley :: Medley (n.) A composition of passages detached from several different compositions; a potpourri.
Potpourri :: Potpourri (n.) A ragout composed of different sorts of meats, vegetables, etc., cooked together..
Potpourri :: Potpourri (n.) A literary production composed of parts brought together without order or bond of connection.
Potpourri :: Potpourri (n.) A jar or packet of flower leaves, perfumes, and spices, used to scent a room..
Potpourri :: Potpourri (n.) A medley or mixture.
Salmagundi :: Salmagundi (n.) Hence, a mixture of various ingredients; an olio or medley; a potpourri; a miscellany..
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