Definition of poltroon

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Poltroon (a.) Base; vile; contemptible; cowardly.

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Scaramouch :: Scaramouch (n.) A personage in the old Italian comedy (derived from Spain) characterized by great boastfulness and poltroonery; hence, a person of like characteristics; a buffoon..
Dastard :: Dastard (n.) One who meanly shrinks from danger; an arrant coward; a poltroon.
Cullion :: Cullion (n.) A mean wretch; a base fellow; a poltroon; a scullion.
Poltroon :: Poltroon (a.) Base; vile; contemptible; cowardly.
Poltroonery :: Poltroonery (n.) Cowardice; want of spirit; pusillanimity.
Coward :: Coward (n.) A person who lacks courage; a timid or pusillanimous person; a poltroon.
Poltroon :: Poltroon (n.) An arrant coward; a dastard; a craven; a mean-spirited wretch.
Poltroonish :: Poltroonish (a.) Resembling a poltroon; cowardly.
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