Definition of pole

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Pole (n.) A native or inhabitant of Poland; a Polander.

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Bipolar :: Bipolar (a.) Doubly polar; having two poles; as, a bipolar cell or corpuscle..
Tomjohn :: Tomjohn (n.) A kind of open sedan used in Ceylon, carried by a single pole on men's shoulders..
Polemic :: Polemic (n.) A polemic argument or controversy.
Boom :: Boom (v. t.) To extend, or push, with a boom or pole; as, to boom out a sail; to boom off a boat..
Pole :: Pole (n.) A long, slender piece of wood; a tall, slender piece of timber; the stem of a small tree whose branches have been removed; as, specifically: (a) A carriage pole, a wooden bar extending from the front axle of a carriage between the wheel horses, by which the carriage is guided and held back. (b) A flag pole, a pole on which a flag is supported. (c) A Maypole. See Maypole. (d) A barber's pole, a pole painted in stripes, used as a sign by barbers and hairdressers. (e) A pole on which clim
Tadpole :: Tadpole (n.) The hooded merganser.
Horse-litter :: Horse-litter (n.) A carriage hung on poles, and borne by and between two horses..
Polestar :: Polestar (n.) A guide or director.
Multipolar :: Multipolar (a.) Having many poles; -- applied especially to those ganglionic nerve cells which have several radiating processes.
Radius Vector :: Radius vector () A straight line (or the length of such line) connecting any point, as of a curve, with a fixed point, or pole, round which the straight line turns, and to which it serves to refer the successive points of a curve, in a system of polar coordinates. See Coordinate, n..
Gin :: Gin (n.) A machine for raising or moving heavy weights, consisting of a tripod formed of poles united at the top, with a windlass, pulleys, ropes, etc..
Lug :: Lug (n.) A measure of length, being 16/ feet; a rod, pole, or perch..
Sedan :: Sedan (n.) A portable chair or covered vehicle for carrying a single person, -- usually borne on poles by two men. Called also sedan chair..
Triangle :: Triangle (n.) A small constellation near the South Pole, containing three bright stars..
Poling :: Poling (n.) One of the poles or planks used in upholding the side earth in excavating a tunnel, ditch, etc..
Polaristic :: Polaristic (a.) Pertaining to, or exhibiting, poles; having a polar arrangement or disposition; arising from, or dependent upon, the possession of poles or polar characteristics; as, polaristic antagonism..
Poler :: Poler (n.) One who poles.
Sprite :: Sprit (v. i.) A small boom, pole, or spar, which crosses the sail of a boat diagonally from the mast to the upper aftmost corner, which it is used to extend and elevate..
Roost :: Roost (v. i.) To sit, rest, or sleep, as fowls on a pole, limb of a tree, etc.; to perch..
Polemics :: Polemics (n.) The art or practice of disputation or controversy, especially on religious subjects; that branch of theological science which pertains to the history or conduct of ecclesiastical controversy..
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