Definition of pluck

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Pluck (n.) The act of plucking, or the state of being plucked, at college. See Pluck, v. t., 4..

Lern More About Pluck

Geissler Tube :: Geissler tube () A glass tube provided with platinum electrodes, and containing some gas under very low tension, which becomes luminous when an electrical discharge is passed through it; -- so called from the name of a noted maker in germany. It is called also Plucker tube, from the German physicist who devised it..
Gamely :: Gamely (adv.) In a plucky manner; spiritedly.
Pluckiness :: Pluckiness (n.) The quality or state of being plucky.
Picking :: Picking (n.) The act of choosing, plucking, or gathering..
Eradication :: Eradication (n.) The state of being plucked up by the roots.
Pluck :: Pluck (n.) Spirit; courage; indomitable resolution; fortitude.
Deracinate :: Deracinate (v. t.) To pluck up by the roots; to extirpate.
Pluckily :: Pluckily (adv.) In a plucky manner.
Gather :: Gather (v. t.) To pick out and bring together from among what is of less value; to collect, as a harvest; to harvest; to cull; to pick off; to pluck..
Plucky :: Plucky (superl.) Having pluck or courage; characterized by pluck; displaying pluck; courageous; spirited; as, a plucky race..
Gameness :: Gameness (n.) Endurance; pluck.
Tweezers :: Tweezers (n. pl.) Small pinchers used to pluck out hairs, and for other purposes..
Decerptible :: Decerptible (a.) That may be plucked off, cropped, or torn away..
Pull :: Pull (v. t.) To gather with the hand, or by drawing toward one; to pluck; as, to pull fruit; to pull flax; to pull a finch..
Plucked :: Plucked (imp. & p. p.) of Pluc.
Pull :: Pull (n.) A pluck; loss or violence suffered.
Eradication :: Eradication (n.) The act of plucking up by the roots; a rooting out; extirpation; utter destruction.
Rash :: Rash (v. t.) To pull off or pluck violently.
Pluck :: Pluck (v. t.) To pull; to draw.
Plight :: Plight () imp. & p. p. of Pluck.
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