Definition of axillary

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Axillary (a.) Of or pertaining to the axilla or armpit; as, axillary gland, artery, nerve..

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Septomaxillary :: Septomaxillary (n.) A small bone between the nasal septum and the maxilla in many reptiles and amphibians.
Hyomental :: Hyomental (a.) Between the hyoid bone and the lower jaw, pertaining to them; suprahyoid; submaxillary; as, the hyomental region of the front of the neck..
Premaxilla :: Premaxilla (n.) A bone on either side of the middle line between the nose and mouth, forming the anterior part of each half of the upper jawbone; the intermaxilla. In man the premaxillae become united and form the incisor part of the maxillary bone..
Intermaxillary :: Intermaxillary (n.) An intermaxilla.
Palpicorn :: Palpicorn (n.) One of a group of aquatic beetles (Palpicornia) having short club-shaped antennae, and long maxillary palpi..
Spheno- :: Spheno- () A combining form used in anatomy to indicate connection with, or relation to, the sphenoid bone; as in sphenomaxillary, sphenopalatine..
Temporomaxillary :: Temporomaxillary (a.) Of or pertaining to both the temple or the temporal bone and the maxilla.
Maxilloturbinal :: Maxilloturbinal (a.) Pertaining to the maxillary and turbinal regions of the skull.
Palpus :: Palpus (n.) A feeler; especially, one of the jointed sense organs attached to the mouth organs of insects, arachnids, crustaceans, and annelids; as, the mandibular palpi, maxillary palpi, and labial palpi. The palpi of male spiders serve as sexual organs. Called also palp. See Illust. of Arthrogastra and Orthoptera..
Inframaxillary :: Inframaxillary (a.) Of or pertaining to the lower iaw.
Mentha :: Mentha (n.) A widely distributed genus of fragrant herbs, including the peppermint, spearmint, etc. The plants have small flowers, usually arranged in dense axillary clusters..
Maxillary :: Maxillary (n.) The principal maxillary bone; the maxilla.
Maxillary :: Maxillary (a.) Pertaining to either the upper or the lower jaw, but now usually applied to the upper jaw only..
Premaxillary :: Premaxillary (n.) A premaxilla.
Admaxillary :: Admaxillary (a.) Near to the maxilla or jawbone.
Interaxillary :: Interaxillary (a.) Situated within or between the axils of leaves.
Symmetral :: Symbranchii (n. pl.) An order of slender eel-like fishes having the gill openings confluent beneath the neck. The pectoral arch is generally attached to the skull, and the entire margin of the upper jaw is formed by the premaxillary. Called also Symbranchia..
Brooklime :: Brooklime (n.) A plant (Veronica Beccabunga), with flowers, usually blue, in axillary racemes. The American species is V. Americana..
Septomaxillary :: Septomaxillary (a.) Of or pertaining to the nasal septum and the maxilla; situated in the region of these parts.
Axillary :: Axillary (a.) Situated in, or rising from, an axil; of or pertaining to an axil..
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