Definition of piously

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Piously (adv.) In a pious manner.

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Largifluous :: Largifluous (a.) Flowing copiously.
Shower :: Shower (n.) That which resembles a shower in falling or passing through the air copiously and rapidly.
Gushing :: Gushing (a.) Emitting copiously, as tears or words; weakly and unreservedly demonstrative in matters of affection; sentimental..
Godly :: Godly (adv.) Piously; devoutly; righteously.
Roll :: Roll (n.) To utter copiously, esp. with sounding words; to utter with a deep sound; -- often with forth, or out; as, to roll forth some one's praises; to roll out sentences..
Copiously :: Copiously (adv.) In a copious manner.
Blaspheme :: Blaspheme (v.) To speak of, or address, with impious irreverence; to revile impiously (anything sacred); as, to blaspheme the Holy Spirit..
Shower :: Shower (v. t.) To water with a shower; to //t copiously with rain.
Piously :: Piously (adv.) In a pious manner.
Dilate :: Dilate (v. t.) To enlarge upon; to relate at large; to tell copiously or diffusely.
Gush :: Gush (v. i.) To issue with violence and rapidity, as a fluid; to rush forth as a fluid from confinement; to flow copiously..
Affluently :: Affluently (adv.) Abundantly; copiously.
Amplify :: Amplify (v. i.) To speak largely or copiously; to be diffuse in argument or description; to dilate; to expatiate; -- often with on or upon.
Abound :: Abound (v. i.) To be copiously supplied; -- followed by in or with.
Amplify :: Amplify (v. t.) To enlarge by addition or discussion; to treat copiously by adding particulars, illustrations, etc.; to expand; to make much of..
Gushingly :: Gushingly (adv.) In a gushing manner; copiously.
Sluice :: Sluice (v. t.) To wet copiously, as by opening a sluice; as, to sluice meadows..
Dilate :: Dilate (v. i.) To speak largely and copiously; to dwell in narration; to enlarge; -- with on or upon.
Run :: Run (v. i.) To discharge; to emit; to give forth copiously; to be bathed with; as, the pipe or faucet runs hot water..
Sluicy :: Sluicy (a.) Falling copiously or in streams, as from a sluice..
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