Definition of phonography

Thanks for using this online dictionary, we have been helping millions of people improve their use of the english language with its free online services. English definition of phonography is as below...

Phonography (n.) A representation of sounds by distinctive characters; commonly, a system of shorthand writing invented by Isaac Pitman, or a modification of his system, much used by reporters..

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Phonographical :: Phonographical (a.) Of or pertaining to phonography; based upon phonography.
Phonograph :: Phonograph (n.) A character or symbol used to represent a sound, esp. one used in phonography..
Phonography :: Phonography (n.) A representation of sounds by distinctive characters; commonly, a system of shorthand writing invented by Isaac Pitman, or a modification of his system, much used by reporters..
Phonography :: Phonography (n.) A description of the laws of the human voice, or sounds uttered by the organs of speech..
Phonographer :: Phonographer (n.) One versed or skilled in phonography.
Shorthand :: Shorthand (n.) A compendious and rapid method or writing by substituting characters, abbreviations, or symbols, for letters, words, etc.; short writing; stenography. See Illust. under Phonography..
Phonography :: Phonography (n.) The art of constructing, or using, the phonograph..
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