Definition of perspiration

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Perspiration (n.) That which is excreted through the skin; sweat.

Lern More About Perspiration

Diaphoretic :: Diaphoretic (n.) A medicine or agent which promotes perspiration.
Diaphoretical :: Diaphoretical (a.) Having the power to increase perspiration.
Sweat :: Sweat (v. i.) The fluid which is excreted from the skin of an animal; the fluid secreted by the sudoriferous glands; a transparent, colorless, acid liquid with a peculiar odor, containing some fatty acids and mineral matter; perspiration. See Perspiration..
Perspiration :: Perspiration (n.) That which is excreted through the skin; sweat.
Perspirable :: Perspirable (a.) Emitting perspiration; perspiring.
Perspirative :: Perspirative (a.) Performing the act of perspiration; perspiratory.
Perspiratory :: Perspiratory (a.) Of, pertaining to, or producing, perspiration; as, the perspiratory ducts..
Unsweat :: Unsweat (v. t.) To relieve from perspiration; to ease or cool after exercise or toil.
Diaphoresis :: Diaphoresis (n.) Perspiration, or an increase of perspiration..
Transpire :: Transpire (v. i.) To pass off in the form of vapor or insensible perspiration; to exhale.
Catapasm :: Catapasm (n.) A compound medicinal powder, used by the ancients to sprinkle on ulcers, to absorb perspiration, etc..
Perspiration :: Perspiration (n.) The act or process of perspiring.
Chromidrosis :: Chromidrosis (n.) Secretion of abnormally colored perspiration.
Clammy :: Clammy (Compar.) Having the quality of being viscous or adhesive; soft and sticky; glutinous; damp and adhesive, as if covered with a cold perspiration..
Excern :: Excern (v. t.) To excrete; to throw off through the pores; as, fluids are excerned in perspiration..
Diapnoic :: Diapnoic (a.) Slightly increasing an insensible perspiration; mildly diaphoretic.
Transpiration :: Transpiration (n.) The act or process of transpiring or excreting in the form of vapor; exhalation, as through the skin or other membranes of the body; as, pulmonary transpiration, or the excretion of aqueous vapor from the lungs. Perspiration is a form of transpiration..
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