Definition of perjury

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Perjury (v.) At common law, a willfully false statement in a fact material to the issue, made by a witness under oath in a competent judicial proceeding. By statute the penalties of perjury are imposed on the making of willfully false affirmations..

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Oathbreaking :: Oathbreaking (n.) The violation of an oath; perjury.
Perjurous :: Perjurous (a.) Guilty of perjury; containing perjury.
Perjury :: Perjury (v.) At common law, a willfully false statement in a fact material to the issue, made by a witness under oath in a competent judicial proceeding. By statute the penalties of perjury are imposed on the making of willfully false affirmations..
Affirmation :: Affirmation (n.) A solemn declaration made under the penalties of perjury, by persons who conscientiously decline taking an oath, which declaration is in law equivalent to an oath..
Perjurer :: Perjurer (n.) One who is guilty of perjury; one who perjures or forswears, in any sense..
Oath :: Oath (n.) An appeal (in verification of a statement made) to a superior sanction, in such a form as exposes the party making the appeal to an indictment for perjury if the statement be false..
Perjury :: Perjury (v.) False swearing.
Disqualify :: Disqualify (v. t.) To deprive of some power, right, or privilege, by positive restriction; to disable; to debar legally; as, a conviction of perjury disqualifies a man to be a witness..
Suborn :: Suborn (v. t.) To procure or cause to take a false oath amounting to perjury, such oath being actually taken..
Perjured :: Perjured (a.) Guilty of perjury; having sworn falsely; forsworn.
Affirm :: Affirm (v. i.) To make a solemn declaration, before an authorized magistrate or tribunal, under the penalties of perjury; to testify by affirmation..
Perjure :: Perjure (v. t.) To cause to violate an oath or a vow; to cause to make oath knowingly to what is untrue; to make guilty of perjury; to forswear; to corrupt; -- often used reflexively; as, he perjured himself..
Forswear :: Forswear (v. i.) To swear falsely; to commit perjury.
Subornation :: Subornation (n.) The act of suborning; the crime of procuring a person to take such a false oath as constitutes perjury.
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