Definition of patrol

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Patrol (v. i.) A going of the rounds along the chain of sentinels and between the posts, by a guard, usually consisting of three or four men, to insure greater security from attacks on the outposts..

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Patrolman :: Patrolman (n.) One who patrols; a watchman; especially, a policeman who patrols a particular precinct of a town or city..
Qui Vive :: Qui vive () The challenge of a French sentinel, or patrol; -- used like the English challenge: Who comes there?.
Patrolling :: Patrolling (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Patro.
Patrol :: Patrol (v. i.) A movement, by a small body of troops beyond the line of outposts, to explore the country and gain intelligence of the enemy's whereabouts..
Patrol :: Patrol (v. i.) To go the rounds along a chain of sentinels; to traverse a police district or beat.
Patrole :: Patrole (n. & v.) See Patrol, n. & v..
Patrol :: Patrol (v. i.) A going of the rounds along the chain of sentinels and between the posts, by a guard, usually consisting of three or four men, to insure greater security from attacks on the outposts..
Patrolled :: Patrolled (imp. & p. p.) of Patro.
Patrolmen :: Patrolmen (pl. ) of Patrolma.
Patrol :: Patrol (v. i.) The guard or men who go the rounds for observation; a detachment whose duty it is to patrol.
Patrol :: Patrol (v.) t To go the rounds of, as a sentry, guard, or policeman; as, to patrol a frontier; to patrol a beat..
Roundsman :: Roundsman (n.) A patrolman; also, a policeman who acts as an inspector over the rounds of the patrolmen..
Patrol :: Patrol (v. i.) Any perambulation of a particular line or district to guard it; also, the men thus guarding; as, a customs patrol; a fire patrol..
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