Definition of patient

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Patient (a.) Having the quality of enduring; physically able to suffer or bear.

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Impatient :: Impatient (n.) One who is impatient.
Water Bed :: Water bed () A kind of mattress made of, or covered with, waterproof fabric and filled with water. It is used in hospitals for bedridden patients..
Digest :: Digest (v. t.) Hence: To bear comfortably or patiently; to be reconciled to; to brook.
Beyond :: Beyond (prep.) Past, out of the reach or sphere of; further than; greater than; as, the patient was beyond medical aid; beyond one's strength..
Lycanthropy :: Lycanthropy (n.) A kind of erratic melancholy, in which the patient imagines himself a wolf, and imitates the actions of that animal..
Rhinoplasty :: Rhinoplasty (n.) Plastic surgery of the nose to correct deformity or to replace lost tissue. Tissue may be transplanted from the patient's cheek, forehead, arm, etc., or even from another person..
Out-patient :: Out-patient (n.) A patient who is outside a hospital, but receives medical aid from it..
Endure :: Endure (v. i.) To remain firm, as under trial or suffering; to suffer patiently or without yielding; to bear up under adversity; to hold out..
Champ :: Champ (v. i.) To bite or chew impatiently.
Convalesce :: Convalesce (v. i.) To recover health and strength gradually, after sickness or weakness; as, a patient begins to convalesce..
Unpatient :: Unpatient (a.) Impatient.
Zoanthropy :: Zoanthropy (n.) A kind of monomania in which the patient believes himself transformed into one of the lower animals.
Egophony :: Egophony (n.) The sound of a patient's voice so modified as to resemble the bleating of a goat, heard on applying the ear to the chest in certain diseases within its cavity, as in pleurisy with effusion..
Clinic :: Clinic (n.) A school, or a session of a school or class, in which medicine or surgery is taught by the examination and treatment of patients in the presence of the pupils..
Restrict :: Restrict (v. t.) To restrain within bounds; to limit; to confine; as, to restrict worlds to a particular meaning; to restrict a patient to a certain diet..
Sound :: Sound (v. t.) To explore, as the bladder or urethra, with a sound; to examine with a sound; also, to examine by auscultation or percussion; as, to sound a patient..
Bearing :: Bearing (n.) Patient endurance; suffering without complaint.
Ass :: Ass (n.) A quadruped of the genus Equus (E. asinus), smaller than the horse, and having a peculiarly harsh bray and long ears. The tame or domestic ass is patient, slow, and sure-footed, and has become the type of obstinacy and stupidity. There are several species of wild asses which are swift-footed..
Easy :: Easy (v. t.) Free from pain, distress, toil, exertion, and the like; quiet; as, the patient is easy..
Externe :: Externe (n.) An officer in attendance upon a hospital, but not residing in it; esp., one who cares for the out-patients..
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