Definition of parched

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Parched (imp. & p. p.) of Parc.

Lern More About Parched

Parched :: Parched (imp. & p. p.) of Parc.
Simoon :: Simoon (n.) A hot, dry, suffocating, dust-laden wind, that blows occasionally in Arabia, Syria, and neighboring countries, generated by the extreme heat of the parched deserts or sandy plains..
Parch :: Parch (v. t.) To dry to extremity; to shrivel with heat; as, the mouth is parched from fever..
Water-white :: Water-white (n.) A vinelike plant (Vitis Caribaea) growing in parched districts in the West Indies, and containing a great amount of sap which is sometimes used for quenching thirst..
Rokee :: Rokee (n.) Parched Indian corn, pounded up and mixed with sugar; -- called also yokeage..
Nocake :: Nocake (n.) Indian corn parched, and beaten to powder, -- used for food by the Northern American Indians..
Parchedness :: Parchedness (n.) The state of being parched.
Chick-pea :: Chick-pea (n.) Its nutritious seed, used in cookery, and especially, when roasted (parched pulse), as food for travelers in the Eastern deserts..
Fiery :: Fiery (a.) heated by fire, or as if by fire; burning hot; parched; feverish..
Arid :: Arid (a.) Exhausted of moisture; parched with heat; dry; barren.
Unparched :: Unparched (a.) Dried up; withered by heat.
Thirsty :: Thirsty (n.) Deficient in moisture; dry; parched.
Scorch :: Scorch (v. i.) To be burnt on the surface; to be parched; to be dried up.
Torrid :: Torrid (a.) Parched; dried with heat; as, a torrid plain or desert..
Torridness :: Torridness (n.) The quality or state of being torrid or parched.
Pinole :: Pinole (n.) Parched maize, ground, and mixed with sugar, etc. Mixed with water, it makes a nutritious beverage..
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