Definition of paradoxical

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Paradoxical (a.) Inclined to paradoxes, or to tenets or notions contrary to received opinions..

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Paradoxy :: Paradoxy (n.) The quality or state of being paradoxical.
Paradoxical :: Paradoxical (a.) Of the nature of a paradox.
Paradoxical :: Paradoxical (a.) Inclined to paradoxes, or to tenets or notions contrary to received opinions..
Paradoxy :: Paradoxy (n.) A paradoxical statement; a paradox.
Proverb :: Proverb (n.) A striking or paradoxical assertion; an obscure saying; an enigma; a parable.
Jakie :: "Jakie (n.) A South American striped frog (Pseudis paradoxa), remarkable for having a tadpole larger than the adult, and hence called also paradoxical frog..
Paradoxal :: Paradoxal (a.) Paradoxical.
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