Definition of palm

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Palm (n.) The broad flattened part of an antler, as of a full-grown fallow deer; -- so called as resembling the palm of the hand with its protruding fingers..

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Palmatilobed :: Palmatilobed (a.) Palmate, with the divisions separated less than halfway to the common center..
Palm :: Palm (v. t.) To manipulate with, or conceal in, the palm of the hand; to juggle..
Cycad :: Cycad (n.) Any plant of the natural order Cycadaceae, as the sago palm, etc..
Margarin :: Margarin (n.) A fatty substance, extracted from animal fats and certain vegetable oils, formerly supposed to be a definite compound of glycerin and margaric acid, but now known to be simply a mixture or combination of tristearin and teipalmitin..
Arrack :: Arrack (n.) A name in the East Indies and the Indian islands for all ardent spirits. Arrack is often distilled from a fermented mixture of rice, molasses, and palm wine of the cocoanut tree or the date palm, etc..
Arenga :: Arenga (n.) A palm tree (Saguerus saccharifer) which furnishes sago, wine, and fibers for ropes; the gomuti palm..
Spermaceti :: Spermaceti (n.) A white waxy substance obtained from cavities in the head of the sperm whale, and used making candles, oilments, cosmetics, etc. It consists essentially of ethereal salts of palmitic acid with ethal and other hydrocarbon bases. The substance of spermaceti after the removal of certain impurities is sometimes called cetin..
Hypothenar :: Hypothenar (a.) Of or pertaining to the prominent part of the palm of the hand above the base of the little finger, or a corresponding part in the forefoot of an animal; as, the hypothenar eminence..
Areca :: Areca (n.) A genus of palms, one species of which produces the areca nut, or betel nut, which is chewed in India with the leaf of the Piper Betle and lime..
Palmidactyles :: Palmidactyles (n. pl.) A group of wading birds having the toes webbed, as the avocet..
Anthemion :: Anthemion () A floral ornament. See Palmett.
Piassava :: Piassava (n.) A fibrous product of two Brazilian palm trees (Attalea funifera and Leopoldinia Piassaba), -- used in making brooms, and for other purposes. Called also piacaba and piasaba..
Pilgrim :: Pilgrim (n.) One who travels far, or in strange lands, to visit some holy place or shrine as a devotee; as, a pilgrim to Loretto; Canterbury pilgrims. See Palmer..
Palmitin :: Palmitin (n.) A solid crystallizable fat, found abundantly in animals and in vegetables. It occurs mixed with stearin and olein in the fat of animal tissues, with olein and butyrin in butter, with olein in olive oil, etc. Chemically, it is a glyceride of palmitic acid, three molecules of palmitic acid being united to one molecule of glyceryl, and hence it is technically called tripalmitin, or glyceryl tripalmitate..
Ricinus :: Ricinus (n.) A genus of plants of the Spurge family, containing but one species (R. communis), the castor-oil plant. The fruit is three-celled, and contains three large seeds from which castor oil iss expressed. See Palma Christi..
Moose :: Moose (n.) A large cervine mammal (Alces machlis, or A. Americanus), native of the Northern United States and Canada. The adult male is about as large as a horse, and has very large, palmate antlers. It closely resembles the European elk, and by many zoologists is considered the same species. See Elk..
Phytelephas :: Phytelephas (n.) A genus of South American palm trees, the seeds of which furnish the substance called vegetable ivory..
Palmately :: Palmately (adv.) In a palmate manner.
Palm :: Palm (n.) The inner and somewhat concave part of the hand between the bases of the fingers and the wrist.
Palmin :: Palmin (n.) A white waxy or fatty substance obtained from castor oil.
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