Definition of augur

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Augur (n.) An official diviner who foretold events by the singing, chattering, flight, and feeding of birds, or by signs or omens derived from celestial phenomena, certain appearances of quadrupeds, or unusual occurrences..

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Auguries :: Auguries (pl. ) of Augur.
Inaugurator :: Inaugurator (n.) One who inaugurates.
Auguring :: Auguring (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Augu.
Augurist :: Augurist (n.) An augur.
Auguration :: Auguration (n.) The practice of augury.
Inaugurating :: Inaugurating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Inaugurat.
Forebode :: Forebode (v. t.) To be prescient of (some ill or misfortune); to have an inward conviction of, as of a calamity which is about to happen; to augur despondingly..
Exaugurate :: Exaugurate (v. t.) To annul the consecration of; to secularize; to unhellow.
Augur :: Augur (v. i.) To anticipate, to foretell, or to indicate a favorable or an unfavorable issue; as, to augur well or ill..
Augural :: Augural (a.) Of or pertaining to augurs or to augury; betokening; ominous; significant; as, an augural staff; augural books..
Bode :: Bode (v. i.) To foreshow something; to augur.
Auspice :: Auspice (a.) A divining or taking of omens by observing birds; an omen as to an undertaking, drawn from birds; an augury; an omen or sign in general; an indication as to the future..
Inaugurate :: Inaugurate (v. t.) To celebrate the completion of, or the first public use of; to dedicate, as a statue..
Sooth :: Sooth (a.) Augury; prognostication.
Augury :: Augury (n.) An omen; prediction; prognostication; indication of the future; presage.
Inaugurated :: Inaugurated (imp. & p. p.) of Inaugurat.
Divination :: Divination (n.) An indication of what is future or secret; augury omen; conjectural presage; prediction.
Inaugural :: Inaugural (n.) An inaugural address.
Augurship :: Augurship (n.) The office, or period of office, of an augur..
Forebode :: Forebode (v. i.) To fortell; to presage; to augur.
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