Definition of outcrop

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Outcrop (n.) The coming out of a stratum to the surface of the ground.

Lern More About Outcrop

Outcrop :: Outcrop (n.) That part of inclined strata which appears at the surface; basset.
Outcrop :: Outcrop (v. i.) To come out to the surface of the ground; -- said of strata.
Outcrop :: Outcrop (n.) The coming out of a stratum to the surface of the ground.
Strike :: Strike (n.) The horizontal direction of the outcropping edges of tilted rocks; or, the direction of a horizontal line supposed to be drawn on the surface of a tilted stratum. It is at right angles to the dip..
Basset :: Basset (n.) The edge of a geological stratum at the surface of the ground; the outcrop.
Crop :: Crop (n.) Outcrop of a vein or seam at the surface.
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