Definition of ostracism

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Ostracism (n.) Banishment; exclusion; as, social ostracism..

Lern More About Ostracism

Ostracism :: Ostracism (n.) Banishment by popular vote, -- a means adopted at Athens to rid the city of a person whose talent and influence gave umbrage..
Petalism :: Petalism (n.) A form of sentence among the ancient Syracusans by which they banished for five years a citizen suspected of having dangerous influence or ambition. It was similar to the ostracism in Athens; but olive leaves were used instead of shells for ballots.
Ostracize :: Ostracize (v. t.) To exile by ostracism; to banish by a popular vote, as at Athens..
Ostracism :: Ostracism (n.) Banishment; exclusion; as, social ostracism..
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