Definition of orphic

Thanks for using this online dictionary, we have been helping millions of people improve their use of the english language with its free online services. English definition of orphic is as below...

Orphic (a.) Pertaining to Orpheus; Orphean; as, Orphic hymns..

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Metamorphism :: Metamorphism (n.) The state or quality of being metamorphic; the process by which the material of rock masses has been more or less recrystallized by heat, pressure, etc., as in the change of sedimentary limestone to marble..
Heteromorphous :: Heteromorphous (a.) Heteromorphic.
Soldier :: Soldier (n.) One of the asexual polymorphic forms of white ants, or termites, in which the head and jaws are very large and strong. The soldiers serve to defend the nest. See Termite..
Ichthyomorphic :: Ichthyomorphic (a.) Alt. of Ichthyomorphou.
Heteromorphy :: Heteromorphy (n.) The state or quality of being heteromorphic.
Heteromorphic :: Heteromorphic (a.) Deviating from the normal, perfect, or mature form; having different forms at different stages of existence, or in different individuals of the same species; -- applied especially to insects in which there is a wide difference of form between the larva and the adult, and to plants having more than one form of flower..
Isodimorphic :: Isodimorphic (a.) Isodimorphous.
Nematogene :: Nematogene (n.) One of the dimorphic forms of the species of Dicyemata, which produced vermiform embryos; -- opposed to rhombogene..
Isotrimorphous :: Isotrimorphous (a.) Having the quality of isotrimorphism; isotrimorphic.
Pantamorphic :: Pantamorphic (a.) Taking all forms.
Isotrimorphic :: Isotrimorphic (a.) Isotrimorphous.
Trimorphic :: Trimorphic (a.) Alt. of Trimorphou.
Polymorphic :: Polymorphic (a.) Polymorphous.
Ichthyomorphous :: Ichthyomorphous (a.) Fish-shaped; as, the ichthyomorphic idols of ancient Assyria..
Dimorphous :: Dimorphous (a.) Characterized by dimorphism; occurring under two distinct forms, not dependent on sex; dimorphic..
Proto- :: Proto- () A combining form prefix signifying first, primary, primordial; as, protomartyr, the first martyr; protomorphic, primitive in form; protoplast, a primordial organism; prototype, protozoan..
Metamorphic :: Metamorphic (a.) Subject to change; changeable; variable.
Automorphic :: Automorphic (a.) Patterned after one's self.
Pleomorphic :: Pleomorphic (a.) Pertaining to pleomorphism; as, the pleomorphic character of bacteria..
Protomorphic :: Protomorphic (a.) Having the most primitive character; in the earliest form; as, a protomorphic layer of tissue..
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