Definition of optimism

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Optimism (n.) A disposition to take the most hopeful view; -- opposed to pessimism.

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Pessimism :: Pessimism (n.) The opinion or doctrine that everything in nature is ordered for or tends to the worst, or that the world is wholly evil; -- opposed to optimism..
Optimism :: Optimism (n.) The opinion or doctrine that everything in nature, being the work of God, is ordered for the best, or that the ordering of things in the universe is such as to produce the highest good..
Optimism :: Optimism (n.) A disposition to take the most hopeful view; -- opposed to pessimism.
Utopianism :: Utopianism (n.) The ideas, views, aims, etc., of a Utopian; impracticable schemes of human perfection; optimism..
Optimistic :: Optimistic (a.) Of or pertaining to optimism; tending, or conforming, to the opinion that all events are ordered for the best..
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