Definition of oppose

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Oppose (n.) To put in opposition, with a view to counterbalance or countervail; to set against; to offer antagonistically..

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Footstone :: Footstone (n.) The stone at the foot of a grave; -- opposed to headstone.
Prognathous :: Prognathous (a.) Having the jaws projecting beyond the upper part of the face; -- opposed to orthognathous. See Gnathic index, under Gnathic..
Reduce :: Reduce (n.) To bring to the metallic state by separating from impurities; hence, in general, to remove oxygen from; to deoxidize; to combine with, or to subject to the action of, hydrogen; as, ferric iron is reduced to ferrous iron; or metals are reduced from their ores; -- opposed to oxidize..
Paradox :: Paradox (n.) A tenet or proposition contrary to received opinion; an assertion or sentiment seemingly contradictory, or opposed to common sense; that which in appearance or terms is absurd, but yet may be true in fact..
Consubstantiation :: Consubstantiation (n.) The actual, substantial presence of the body of Christ with the bread and wine of the sacrament of the Lord's Supper; impanation; -- opposed to transubstantiation..
Dexter :: Dexter (a.) Pertaining to, or situated on, the right hand; right, as opposed to sinister, or left..
Connivance :: Connivance (n.) Corrupt or guilty assent to wrongdoing, not involving actual participation in, but knowledge of, and failure to prevent or oppose it..
Adductor :: Adductor (n.) A muscle which draws a limb or part of the body toward the middle line of the body, or closes extended parts of the body; -- opposed to abductor; as, the adductor of the eye, which turns the eye toward the nose..
Industry :: Industry (n.) Habitual diligence in any employment or pursuit, either bodily or mental; steady attention to business; assiduity; -- opposed to sloth and idleness; as, industry pays debts, while idleness or despair will increase them..
Outboard :: Outboard (a. & adv.) Beyond or outside of the lines of a vessel's bulwarks or hull; in a direction from the hull or from the keel; -- opposed to inboard; as, outboard rigging; swing the davits outboard..
Simple :: Simple (a.) Consisting of a single individual or zooid; as, a simple ascidian; -- opposed to compound..
Homonymous :: Homonymous (a.) Having the same name or designation; standing in the same relation; -- opposed to heteronymous.
Southerner :: Southerner (n.) An inhabitant or native of the south, esp. of the Southern States of North America; opposed to Northerner..
Antiperistaltic :: Antiperistaltic (a.) Opposed to, or checking motion; acting upward; -- applied to an inverted action of the intestinal tube..
Interior :: Interior (a.) Being within any limits, inclosure, or substance; inside; internal; inner; -- opposed to exterior, or superficial; as, the interior apartments of a house; the interior surface of a hollow ball..
Lean :: Lean (v. i.) Of a character which prevents the compositor from earning the usual wages; -- opposed to fat; as, lean copy, matter, or type..
Dissentaneous :: Dissentaneous (a.) Disagreeing; contrary; differing; -- opposed to consentaneous.
Lee :: Lee (a.) Of or pertaining to the part or side opposite to that against which the wind blows; -- opposed to weather; as, the lee side or lee rail of a vessel..
Divergent :: Divergent (a.) Receding farther and farther from each other, as lines radiating from one point; deviating gradually from a given direction; -- opposed to convergent..
Monophonic :: Monophonic (a.) Single-voiced; having but one part; as, a monophonic composition; -- opposed to polyphonic..
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