Definition of opposite

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Opposite (n.) That which is opposed or contrary; as, sweetness and its opposite..

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Ash :: Ash (n.) A genus of trees of the Olive family, having opposite pinnate leaves, many of the species furnishing valuable timber, as the European ash (Fraxinus excelsior) and the white ash (F. Americana)..
Parhelion :: Parhelion (n.) A mock sun appearing in the form of a bright light, sometimes near the sun, and tinged with colors like the rainbow, and sometimes opposite to the sun. The latter is usually called an anthelion. Often several mock suns appear at the same time. Cf. Paraselene..
North :: North (n.) That one of the four cardinal points of the compass, at any place, which lies in the direction of the true meridian, and to the left hand of a person facing the east; the direction opposite to the south..
Ploy :: Ploy (v. i.) To form a column from a line of troops on some designated subdivision; -- the opposite of deploy.
Over :: Over (adv.) Also, with verbs of being: At, or on, the opposite side; as, the boat is over..
Contrarily :: Contrarily (adv.) In a contrary manner; in opposition; on the other side; in opposite ways.
Counterstep :: Counterstep (n.) A contrary method of procedure; opposite course of action.
Counterpoint :: Counterpoint (n.) An opposite poin.
White :: White (n.) The color of pure snow; one of the natural colors of bodies, yet not strictly a color, but a composition of all colors; the opposite of black; whiteness. See the Note under Color, n., 1..
Antipodal :: Antipodal (a.) Diametrically opposite.
Para- :: Para- () A prefix denoting: (a) Likeness, similarity, or connection, or that the substance resembles, but is distinct from, that to the name of which it is prefixed; as paraldehyde, paraconine, etc.; also, an isomeric modification. (b) Specifically: (Organ. Chem.) That two groups or radicals substituted in the benzene nucleus are opposite, or in the respective positions 1 and 4; 2 and 5; or 3 and 6, as paraxylene; paroxybenzoic acid. Cf. Ortho-, and Meta-. Also used adjectively..
Register :: Register (n.) The correspondence of pages, columns, or lines on the opposite or reverse sides of the sheet..
Anticlimax :: Anticlimax (n.) A sentence in which the ideas fall, or become less important and striking, at the close; -- the opposite of climax. It produces a ridiculous effect..
Couche :: Couche (v. t.) Lying on its side; thus, a chevron couche is one which emerges from one side of the escutcheon and has its apex on the opposite side, or at the fess point..
Determination :: Determination (n.) The addition of a differentia to a concept or notion, thus limiting its extent; -- the opposite of generalization..
Slippery :: Slippery (a.) Having the quality opposite to adhesiveness; allowing or causing anything to slip or move smoothly, rapidly, and easily upon the surface; smooth; glib; as, oily substances render things slippery..
Credit :: Credit (n.) The side of an account on which are entered all items reckoned as values received from the party or the category named at the head of the account; also, any one, or the sum, of these items; -- the opposite of debit; as, this sum is carried to one's credit, and that to his debit; A has several credits on the books of B..
Answer :: Answer (n.) To be opposite to; to face.
Far :: Far (a.) The more distant of two; as, the far side (called also off side) of a horse, that is, the right side, or the one opposite to the rider when he mounts..
Opposable :: Opposable (a.) Capable of being placed opposite something else; as, the thumb is opposable to the forefinger..
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