Definition of occident

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Occident (n.) The part of the horizon where the sun last appears in the evening; that part of the earth towards the sunset; the west; -- opposed to orient. Specifically, in former times, Europe as opposed to Asia; now, also, the Western hemisphere..

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Arbor Vitae :: Arbor vitae () An evergreen tree of the cypress tribe, genus Thuja. The American species is the T. occidentalis..
Tamarack :: Tamarack (n.) The American larch; also, the larch of Oregon and British Columbia (Larix occidentalis). See Hackmatack, and Larch..
Buttonbush :: Buttonbush (n.) A shrub (Cephalanthus occidentalis) growing by the waterside; -- so called from its globular head of flowers. See Capitulum.
Hesperian :: Hesperian (a.) Western; being in the west; occidental.
Occidental :: Occidental (a.) Of, pertaining to, or situated in, the occident, or west; western; -- opposed to oriental; as, occidental climates, or customs; an occidental planet..
West :: West (n.) The Westen hemisphere, or the New World so called, it having been discovered by sailing westward from Europe; the Occident..
Occidentals :: Occidentals ( Western Christians of the Latin rite. See Orientals.
Wolfberry :: Wolfberry (n.) An American shrub (Symphoricarpus occidentalis) which bears soft white berries.
Ponent :: Ponent (a.) Western; occidental.
Hackberry :: Hackberry (n.) A genus of trees (Celtis) related to the elm, but bearing drupes with scanty, but often edible, pulp. C. occidentalis is common in the Eastern United States..
Thimbleberry :: Thimbleberry (n.) A kind of black raspberry (Rubus occidentalis), common in America..
Occident :: Occident (n.) The part of the horizon where the sun last appears in the evening; that part of the earth towards the sunset; the west; -- opposed to orient. Specifically, in former times, Europe as opposed to Asia; now, also, the Western hemisphere..
Occidental :: Occidental (a.) Possessing inferior hardness, brilliancy, or beauty; -- used of inferior precious stones and gems, because those found in the Orient are generally superior..
Buttonwood :: Buttonwood (n.) The Platanus occidentalis, or American plane tree, a large tree, producing rough balls, from which it is named; -- called also buttonball tree, and, in some parts of the United States, sycamore. The California buttonwood is P. racemosa..
Cashew :: Cashew (n.) A tree (Anacardium occidentale) of the same family which the sumac. It is native in tropical America, but is now naturalized in all tropical countries. Its fruit, a kidney-shaped nut, grows at the extremity of an edible, pear-shaped hypocarp, about three inches long..
Disoccident :: Disoccident (v. t.) To turn away from the west; to throw out of reckoning as to longitude.
Occiduous :: Occiduous (a.) Western; occidental.
Wolf :: Wolf (a.) Any one of several species of wild and savage carnivores belonging to the genus Canis and closely allied to the common dog. The best-known and most destructive species are the European wolf (Canis lupus), the American gray, or timber, wolf (C. occidentalis), and the prairie wolf, or coyote. Wolves often hunt in packs, and may thus attack large animals and even man..
Oriental :: Oriental (a.) Of or pertaining to the orient or east; eastern; concerned with the East or Orientalism; -- opposed to occidental; as, Oriental countries..
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