Definition of obsolete

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Obsolete (v. i.) To become obsolete; to go out of use.

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Mainprise :: Mainprise (n.) A writ directed to the sheriff, commanding him to take sureties, called mainpernors, for the prisoner's appearance, and to let him go at large. This writ is now obsolete..
Cornopean :: Cornopean (n.) An obsolete name for the cornet-a-piston.
Mare :: Mare (n.) Sighing, suffocative panting, intercepted utterance, with a sense of pressure across the chest, occurring during sleep; the incubus; -- obsolete, except in the compound nightmare..
Cornu Ammonis :: Cornu Ammonis () A fossil shell, curved like a ram's horn; an obsolete name for an ammonite..
Obsolete :: Obsolete (v. i.) To become obsolete; to go out of use.
Warranty :: Warranty (n.) A covenant real, whereby the grantor of an estate of freehold and his heirs were bound to warrant and defend the title, and, in case of eviction by title paramount, to yield other lands of equal value in recompense. This warranty has long singe become obsolete, and its place supplied by personal covenants for title. Among these is the covenant of warranty, which runs with the land, and is in the nature of a real covenant..
Obsoleteness :: Obsoleteness (n.) The state of being obsolete, or no longer used; a state of desuetude..
Obsoleteness :: Obsoleteness (n.) Indistinctness; want of development.
Sanskrit :: Sanskrit (n.) The ancient language of the Hindoos, long since obsolete in vernacular use, but preserved to the present day as the literary and sacred dialect of India. It is nearly allied to the Persian, and to the principal languages of Europe, classical and modern, and by its more perfect preservation of the roots and forms of the primitive language from which they are all descended, is a most important assistance in determining their history and relations. Cf. Prakrit, and Veda..
Obsolescent :: Obsolescent (a.) Going out of use; becoming obsolete; passing into desuetude.
Snack :: Snack (v. t.) A share; a part or portion; -- obsolete, except in the colloquial phrase, to go snacks, i. e., to share..
Obsolete :: Obsolete (a.) Not very distinct; obscure; rudimental; imperfectly developed; abortive.
Antiquate :: Antiquate (v. t.) To make old, or obsolete; to make antique; to make old in such a degree as to put out of use; hence, to make void, or abrogate..
Obsolescence :: Obsolescence (n.) The state of becoming obsolete.
Heave :: Heave (v. t.) To throw; to cast; -- obsolete, provincial, or colloquial, except in certain nautical phrases; as, to heave the lead; to heave the log..
Legacy :: Legacy (n.) A business with which one is intrusted by another; a commission; -- obsolete, except in the phrases last legacy, dying legacy, and the like..
Twain :: Twain (a. & n.) Two; -- nearly obsolete in common discourse, but used in poetry and burlesque..
Chauvinism :: Chauvinism (n.) Blind and absurd devotion to a fallen leader or an obsolete cause; hence, absurdly vainglorious or exaggerated patriotism..
Went :: Went () imp. & p. p. of Wend; -- now obsolete except as the imperfect of go, with which it has no etymological connection. See Go..
Eyen :: Eyen (n.) Plural of eye; -- now obsolete, or used only in poetry..
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