Definition of notching

Thanks for using this online dictionary, we have been helping millions of people improve their use of the english language with its free online services. English definition of notching is as below...

Notching (n.) A method of joining timbers, scantling, etc., by notching them, as at the ends, and overlapping or interlocking the notched portions..

Lern More About Notching

Notching :: Notching (n.) The act of making notches; the act of cutting into small hollows.
Emargination :: Emargination (n.) The act of notching or indenting the margin, or the state of being so notched; also, a notch or shallow sinus in a margin..
Godroon :: Godroon (n.) An ornament produced by notching or carving a rounded molding.
Notching :: Notching (n.) A method of excavating, as in a bank, by a series of cuttings side by side. See also Gulleting..
Serrature :: Serrature (n.) A notching, like that between the teeth of a saw, in the edge of anything..
Notching :: Notching (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Notc.
Hacker :: Hacker (n.) One who, or that which, hacks. Specifically: A cutting instrument for making notches; esp., one used for notching pine trees in collecting turpentine; a hack..
Notching :: Notching (n.) The small hollow, or hollows, cut; a notch or notches..
Notching :: Notching (n.) A method of joining timbers, scantling, etc., by notching them, as at the ends, and overlapping or interlocking the notched portions..
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