Definition of northward

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Northward (adv.) Alt. of Northward.

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Northward :: Northward (a.) Toward the north; nearer to the north than to the east or west point.
Blueback :: Blueback (n.) A salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) of the Columbia River and northward.
Northward :: Northward (adv.) Alt. of Northward.
Northwardly :: Northwardly (adv.) In a northern direction.
Northwardly :: Northwardly (a.) Having a northern direction.
Northwards :: Northwards (adv.) Toward the north, or toward a point nearer to the north than to the east or west point..
Northing :: Northing (n.) Distance northward from any point of departure or of reckoning, measured on a meridian; -- opposed to southing..
North :: North (adv.) Northward.
Northing :: Northing (n.) The distance of any heavenly body from the equator northward; north declination.
Heteroscian :: Heteroscian (n.) One who lives either north or south of the tropics, as contrasted with one who lives on the other side of them; -- so called because at noon the shadows always fall in opposite directions (the one northward, the other southward)..
Declination :: Declination (n.) The angular distance of any object from the celestial equator, either northward or southward..
Salal-berry :: Salal-berry (n.) The edible fruit of the Gaultheria Shallon, an ericaceous shrub found from California northwards. The berries are about the size of a common grape and of a dark purple color..
Solstice :: Solstice (v. i.) The point in the ecliptic at which the sun is farthest from the equator, north or south, namely, the first point of the sign Cancer and the first point of the sign Capricorn, the former being the summer solstice, latter the winter solstice, in northern latitudes; -- so called because the sun then apparently stands still in its northward or southward motion..
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