Definition of nomancy

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Nomancy (n.) The art or practice of divining the destiny of persons by the letters which form their names.

Lern More About Nomancy

Onomancy :: Onomancy (n.) Divination by the letters of a name; nomancy.
Onomantical :: Onomantical (a.) Of or pertaining to onomancy.
Botanomancy :: Botanomancy (n.) An ancient species of divination by means of plants, esp. sage and fig leaves..
Lecanomancy :: Lecanomancy (n.) divination practiced with water in a basin, by throwing three stones into it, and invoking the demon whose aid was sought..
Axinomancy :: Axinomancy (n.) A species of divination, by means of an ax or hatchet..
Capnomancy :: Capnomancy (n.) Divination by means of the ascent or motion of smoke.
Stike :: Stigonomancy (n.) Divination by writing on the bark of a tree.
Daphnomancy :: Daphnomancy (n.) Divination by means of the laurel.
Onomomancy :: Onomomancy (n.) See Onomancy.
Nomancy :: Nomancy (n.) The art or practice of divining the destiny of persons by the letters which form their names.
Coscinomancy :: Coscinomancy (n.) Divination by means of a suspended sieve.
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