Definition of nolle prosequi

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Nolle prosequi () Will not prosecute; -- an entry on the record, denoting that a plaintiff discontinues his suit, or the attorney for the public a prosecution; either wholly, or as to some count, or as to some of several defendants..

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Non Prosequitur :: Non prosequitur () A judgment entered against the plaintiff in a suit where he does not appear to prosecute. See Nolle prosequi.
Nolle Prosequi :: Nolle prosequi () Will not prosecute; -- an entry on the record, denoting that a plaintiff discontinues his suit, or the attorney for the public a prosecution; either wholly, or as to some count, or as to some of several defendants..
Nol. Pros. :: Nol. pros. () An abbrev. of Nolle prosequi.
Nol-pros :: Nol-pros (v. t.) To discontinue by entering a nolle prosequi; to decline to prosecute.
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