Definition of at

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At (prep.) The relation of some state or condition; as, at war; at peace; at ease; at your service; at fault; at liberty; at risk; at disadvantage..

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Sparkler :: Sparkler (n.) One who, or that which, sparkles..
Stud :: Stud (n.) An upright scanting, esp. one of the small uprights in the framing for lath and plaster partitions, and furring, and upon which the laths are nailed..
Open :: Open (a.) Free; disengaged; unappropriated; as, to keep a day open for any purpose; to be open for an engagement..
Atrocious :: Atrocious (a.) Extremely heinous; full of enormous wickedness; as, atrocious quilt or deeds..
Inform :: Inform (v. t.) To give intelligence or information; to tell.
Websterite :: Websterite (n.) A hydrous sulphate of alumina occurring in white reniform masses.
Teraphim :: Teraphim (n. pl.) Images connected with the magical rites used by those Israelites who added corrupt practices to the patriarchal religion. Teraphim were consulted by the Israelites for oracular answers.
Terephthalic :: Terephthalic (a.) Of, pertaining to, or designating, a dibasic acid of the aromatic series, metameric with phthalic acid, and obtained, as a tasteless white crystalline powder, by the oxidation of oil of turpentine; -- called also paraphthalic acid. Cf. Phthalic..
Peculate :: Peculate (v. i.) To appropriate to one's own use the property of the public; to steal public moneys intrusted to one's care; to embezzle.
Shallow-pated :: Shallow-pated (a.) Shallow-brained.
Frostwork :: Frostwork (n.) The figurework, often fantastic and delicate, which moisture sometimes forms in freezing, as upon a window pane or a flagstone..
Bonny :: Bonny (n.) A round and compact bed of ore, or a distinct bed, not communicating with a vein..
Duplicative :: Duplicative (a.) Having the quality of subdividing into two by natural growth.
Polemical :: Polemical (a.) Polemic; controversial; disputatious.
Erythrite :: Erythrite (n.) A rose-red mineral, crystallized and earthy, a hydrous arseniate of cobalt, known also as cobalt bloom; -- called also erythrin or erythrine..
Thecata :: Thecata (n. pl.) Same as Thecophora.
Take :: Take (n.) The quantity or copy given to a compositor at one time.
Retranslate :: Retranslate (v. t.) To translate anew; especially, to translate back into the original language..
Catapult :: Catapult (n.) A forked stick with elastic band for throwing small stones, etc..
Glyptodon :: Glyptodon (n.) An extinct South American quaternary mammal, allied to the armadillos. It was as large as an ox, was covered with tessellated scales, and had fluted teeth..
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