Generosity :: Generosity (n.) The quality of being noble; noble-mindedness.
Generosity :: Generosity (n.) Liberality in giving; munificence.
Heterosis :: Heterosis (n.) A figure of speech by which one form of a noun, verb, or pronoun, and the like, is used for another, as in the sentence: What is life to such as me?.
Ponderosity :: Ponderosity (n.) The quality or state of being ponderous; weight; gravity; heaviness, ponderousness; as, the ponderosity of gold..
Sclerosis :: Sclerosis (n.) Induration; hardening; especially, that form of induration produced in an organ by increase of its interstitial connective tissue..
Sclerosis :: Sclerosis (n.) Hardening of the cell wall by lignification.
Serosity :: Serosity (n.) The quality or state of being serous.
Serosity :: Serosity (n.) A thin watery animal fluid, as synovial fluid and pericardial fluid..
Siderosis :: Siderosis (n.) A sort of pneumonia occuring in iron workers, produced by the inhalation of particles of iron..
Spherosiderite :: Spherosiderite (n.) Siderite occuring in spheroidal masses.