Definition of astrolabe

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Astrolabe (n.) An instrument for observing or showing the positions of the stars. It is now disused.

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Moder :: Moder (n.) The principal piece of an astrolabe, into which the others are fixed..
Meteoroscope :: Meteoroscope (n.) An astrolabe; a planisphere.
Cosmolabe :: Cosmolabe (n.) An instrument resembling the astrolabe, formerly used for measuring the angles between heavenly bodies; -- called also pantacosm..
Astrolabe :: Astrolabe (n.) An instrument for observing or showing the positions of the stars. It is now disused.
Alidade :: Alidade (n.) The portion of a graduated instrument, as a quadrant or astrolabe, carrying the sights or telescope, and showing the degrees cut off on the arc of the instrument.
Astrolabe :: Astrolabe (n.) A stereographic projection of the sphere on the plane of a great circle, as the equator, or a meridian; a planisphere..
Pinule :: Pinule (n.) One of the sights of an astrolabe.
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